The STARSkate Final competition takes place in Kelowna on March 2 - 4, 2018. The updated schedule and skater groupings are posted on the SkatinginBC website.
This competition is the final STARSkate event of 2017-2018 and will crown the Super Series Champions in Pre-Juvenile U14 and STAR 5 – Gold Free Skate. Adult events will also be offered. Region Team Competition: The Super Series Region Trophy will be awarded at the conclusion of the competition. Each Region will pre-select 10 skaters whose individual events placement will be valued with a score. The scores will be added up for a Region total score which will determine the final rankings. A process has been developed in order to equalize the categories so that an event with few skaters compares equally to an event with many skaters.
See our Competition page for all competition-related news.